Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Halfway there

Last week was a monumental week for me because it marked the halfway point of my fundraising for this summer.  Unfortunately I had the flu followed by a nasty sinus infection and wasn't able to train much in the past few weeks but fundraising took a huge jump and to date I have raised $2625 towards the required $5000 I have to raise by June, so I guess you could say I am right on track.
I would especially like to thank the folks at McElroy Translation for their generous contributions to my Journey of Hope.
Now that the weather, and more importantly my health, has improved, I will be able to get out and log some serious miles on the bike in the coming weeks.  The rain and snow (yes thats right, snow in South Carolina) had forced me inside onto the spin bikes in the gym, and while riding for 2 hours indoors in front of a mirror can be so exciting, Im ready to get outside again.
I want to thank everyone who has donated to my ride so far, in tough economic times it is hard for everyone but I have been amazed with the extreme generosity.  I can only succeed in this journey with the help of my sponsors, so if you feel led to donate, please follow the links in the right hand corner of the page to make a secure, tax deductible donation to my ride.
